Thursday, November 18, 2010

Waving My White Flag

I give up. I have been trying to tread water in the big city for about a decade. I'm finally throwing in the towel, waving my white flag of defeat and moving back home with mom.
I called her yesterday and gave her the great news that I will be invading her space yet again. She's stoked to have her baby and all of her grandkids at home with her, but I am a bit apprehensive. I remember what it was like living with her over a decade ago. I'll have to hone my vaccuming in straight line skills again and probably make my bed.

I am a failed Photojournalist, Telecommunications Analyst, Entreprenuer, Visual Design Manager and Radio Station Receptionist. That's a long list of failure. And now, to add to it, I am a failed Big City Girl as well.

My mom lives in The Mule Capital Of The World, and I can not stress enough how much this is NOT a joke. It is all true. Google it. I will be posting updates of my misadventures in this lovely little town of which has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in all of the state and holds the record for having the highest bar to church ratio in the nation. That's probably a lie, but it seems true enough.

Enjoy my meltdown.


  1. anyway you want...I am dyslexic it will look right to me.

  2. You're pretty good at being awesome, though. So that's a win, right?

  3. Aaaaand Lathrop MO and Columbia TN share the title of Mule Capital of the World. So either way you'll be closer to me :)

  4. As to not make this blogs followers wonder what I posted. It was as follows

    "Well at least you can expect to be a grandma by the age of 40 by the sounds of it. And of course that leads to alcohol or the bar, which leads to AA, which then leads to Church. It's all very circular . . . "

  5. Oh damn it Dan, you're making this confusing to me! I think I spelled capital wrong in my blog. I need sleep. Thank you Megan! I guess there are three Mule Capitals Of The World... :)

  6. bwahaha. I taste rainbows in your tears. Lol, that would hurt so bad if you cried skittles. It would be like "It hurt's so bad, but it tastes so good, How do I stop" . . . Yea I need to go to bed. Good night.

  7. Looks like you’re ready to become a big success at something to do with mules. How can you be a failed radio station receptionist? What is a successful one? You sound too intelligent for a job like that anyway. The job failed you.
